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This section serves the purpose of callibrating the eye-tracking and gaze estimation algorithms in order to properly track the eyes' movement. The steps for calibration and relatively simple and are mentioned in more detail below.


  1. This is where we will be callibrating your webcam.
  2. Please remove any eyewear and look straight ahead at the screen and refrain from too much head movement.
  3. A red circle (the target) will move across the screen.
  4. Try to use your eyes to track the target and the algorithm will tune itself to your lighting conditions.

It is recommended that you roll your eyes as a warmup before attempting the calibration.

  1. In case the algorithm cannot find your eyes, it will pause and display warnings.
  2. When ready, click on the button below to start the calibration, and when the callibration page is loaded, click on "Start Capture" under the animation to start recording.
  3. When the excercise has finished, click on "Stop Capture" and then "Upload Data".
  4. In case you are not satisfied with your performance, just reload the page and try again.

If any discomfort is felt while performing the warmup excercises, please stop using GazeDetect and talk to a medical professional. Furthermore, the callibration module must be finished before taking any of the other tests, or else the results may be inaccurate.